BlankBottle HBK 2015

It’s no secret that half the pics I post are empty bottles - it’s easier than stopping the festivities to style a photo for the gram.

I don’t often open my BlankBottles as they’re produced in smaller quantities. I’m mildly bummed that my set of 6 is no longer complete. But holy fuck am I glad I opened this BlankBottle HBK 2015.

BlankBottle HBK 2015

The Wine:

When I pulled the cork out of this empty bottle I was overwhelmed by the incredible ripe blackberry, raisin, raspberry and cedar aromas that escaped. So much so that I actually tilted the bottle to my lips in the hopes that there’d be a drop left. No such luck because I’d drowned myself in the ripe black and red fruits, tight tannins and acidity a few weeks ago. 

Vini + Viti:

HBK was harvested from Helderberg grapes grown near and at sea level. It’s one of 6 Cabernets from different regions and elevations blended together to make a true reflection of SA Cabernet Sauvignon (B.I.G.). Each parcel was also bottled separately allowing us to taste the individual components.

Final thoughts:

An insta friend asked what HBK stood for and I couldn't provide an answer. And then I was lucky enough to attend a screening of BlankBottle's award winning movie at their winery (so special!).  And there I learned that HBK stands for Helderberg Kloof. I could figure out the H and B...but the K was a revelation.

Find all my BlankBottle reviews here.

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