Elemental Bob My Cosmic Hands 2015

I’ve spent a good bit of time reflecting over the last few weeks. Time to think is a luxurious by-product of load-shedding. Time to clear out the ‘junk’ from the house, find long lost treasures, discover pieces of my parents history...my history...and fill the gaps between my memories.

It’s the thing I love most about Elemental Bob wines. They quietly suggest the opportunity to slow down and sit with your thoughts. Deceptively contemplative. Seemingly simple at first glance...but basic tasks like clearing the bookshelf become ever more complex as you discover letters, photos of people you recognise but don’t know, query bookmark scraps hidden between the leaves. Inevitably, productivity slows down as you reflect on what you’ve found...as you remember the memories.

Elemental Bob Cosmic Hands 2015

The Wine:

A rich golden colour with an initially restrained nose that builds and draws you into its tertiary honey, walnut skins, braised chopped brown mushrooms with sprigs of woody herb notes. Lemon oil, dried peaches, yellow apples, chamomile flowers.

The palate is gentle....gentle like the way one chooses the protection of selective memories. But the acidity focuses hazy scenes, medium body proves there’s weight to your experiences...and the wine and those thoughts linger. Brandy fumes, salinity, salted dried apricots and mangoes from childhood memories...all prefaced with honeyed bitter chamomile tea to help you sleep. Oxidative but still fresh. Tired but still vibrant?

Empty glass sniff... one last lingering look back at the past: old smoke, salty apricots, naartjie peel, cloves, and crushed fynbos.

Final Thoughts:

Is it past its prime? Those yellowing, poorly preserved, but exquisitely skilled black & white photos are more charming for their wear and tear.

And so is this wine.

Elemental Bob Cosmic Hands 2015


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Click here to read about the Elemental Bob My Cosmic Hand Pinot Noir 2015, Elemental Bob The Graveyard Tinta Barocca 2017, Elemental Bob - The Rupert Chenin Blanc - 2017, and Elemental Bob Retro Series Pinot Noir 2017.

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